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 Links to our partners:
Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) at CMU. We are currently working with the ETC to help commercialize a number of cutting edge technologies that they have developed in their labs. From truly interactive theatre and game experiences, to audioanimatronic characters that actually have a conversation with you, the Entertainment Technology Center is at the forefront of the next generation of storytelling tools.
In addition, the ETC is always seeking partners for sponsored research projects, so if you are looking for the solution to a specific technology issue as it relates to advertising and storytelling, they are the top facility in the country. Please contact David Polinchock for additional details.
Lilo & Stitch Mix Mail. Check out this very cool promotion that was used for Disney's Lilo & Stitch. This is an exciting online music creation system and a great viral experience. In fact, this promotion generated a 20% response rate, a pass-along rate of 10% and an average session time of 21 minutes! Pretty powerful stuff! Please contact David Polinchock for additional details.