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Location Based Branding™

Oneline Creative Strategies for Brand Experiences

"Tell me and I will forget, Show me and I will remember, Involve me and I will understand!" Confucius

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As you may know, I am the Volunteer Coordinator for the NY Company of Friends. With so many people asking how they can help, we have set-up a page with the Amazon Honor System for those people who would like to make donations to help the NY group with their efforts. If you would like to help out, please click on the box below and follow the directions there. Our thanks in advance for your generosity and support in these very difficult times.

Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More
Corporate ButtonWe're in the process of upgrading our site, so please check back to see all of the exciting new additions that are coming! Our Gallery is now up & running, so please check it out!

One very exciting addition is our new monthly newsletter. The Experience Economist, the Journal of Oneline Brand Experiences, is now available and will provide a great deal of content about creating true brand experiences. To be on the mailing list, just enter your e-mail address in the box! If you would like to receive a copy of the first issue, click here to have us send it out to you.

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Corporate ButtonLocation Based Branding™ specializes in the planning and development of Oneline creative strategies and Customer Relationship Experiences (CRE) that allow the guest to enter and interact with a company's brand identity. Agency founder David B. Polinchock has been creating Experiential Advertising™ since 1991, when he started his first company, the CyberEvent Group.

With products becoming commodities and customer service at an all time low, creating a complete Customer Relationship Experience will become the only path to success. Think about it, what separates many products today? Usually it's the price. And as companies lower their prices simply to compete on a pricing basis, everything else is bound to suffer.

Companies today need to look at their total business model and see where the customer experience really comes into play. In your every day life, think of how you relate to a better customer relationship experience. Do you travel out of your way to go to a dry cleaner that not only does a better job, but remembers exactly how you like your shirts? Do you go to the grocery store that's more expensive, but provides better quality products and services? Why do you sell your customers short by continually reducing services to lower prices?

Location Based Branding is one of the most complete sources for strategic ideation and new technologies needed to create Oneline brand experiences. With our unique background in both branding and new technologies, we can help determine the best way to extend brands, both on- and off-line. In addition, we have an extensive depth of creative resources, from designers to promotion experts, to architects and interactive experts, to bring a diverse thought base to branding projects.

Location Based Branding, Inc.
Oneline Creative Strategies for Brand Experiences™
"Tell me and I will forget, Show me and I will remember, Involve me and I will understand!" Confucius
© 2001, Location Based Branding, Inc.

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